10 Ways to be the Best Wife Possible for My Husband
1. Let my husband be a man. - Men do things their way sometimes.
He needs to exercise his manly being sometimes. I support him in that.
2. Spend more time working on my inner self than my outer self. - My
husband will appreciate me more if I glow of inner beauty. Outer beauty
is fleeting and flaccid.
3. I have needs - so does my husband. - I will do what I am able and
appropriate to keep my husband happy because I love him.
4. Don't put my children before my husband. - I will love my husband first.
In doing this, my children will feel loved and will see love.
5. Actively be a participant, with my family, in church life. -
My family is but a subset of the church family. My church's family life
will always include my personal family.
6. Spend time in Scripture by myself and with my husband. - I need wisdom
from God. I want to talk about Spiritual matters with my husband.
7. Share in and listen to my husband's prayers. - I want to know what my
husband is thinking about him, me, our family, and our world.
8. Camp out! - I don't like bugs. But sometimes for him, I will go where he
goes. And he might even think I am enjoying it!
9. Care and rear my children in the ways of God. After all, they are His.
- My children are God's. I will, with my husband, raise them with this in
mind. And when it is time to let them go, I will do so trusting in God and
his providence. May I be a wonderful mom to my children.
10. Love my man as if he were a king. - He is my earthly king. I will stand
by him as best I can through thick and thin.
"Dear God. I love my husband more than anything in this life. Give me strength and wisdom to support him, give him guidance when needed, and stand by him when he needs me. I thank you for having given me a wonderful husband. Amen."
10 Ways to be the Best Wife Possible for My Husband
Posted by
on Tuesday, April 27, 2010
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