I understand we live in a hectic world that places ever increasing demands on our time. I understand that we become burdened with more and more responsibilities each and every passing day. I understand that life is much more complex that it was ten, twenty, or fifty years ago. I understand that you are constantly inundated with reams of information you must repeatedly process and evaluate. I understand.
But, do you ever take the time to stop and ask the serious questions? Who am I? What is my purpose in life? Where have I been? What have I accomplished? Where am I going? Am I who I want to be? Am I where I want to be in life?
I would submit to you that you are someone special. There is nobody else in the world like you. Because you are unique, there are things you can offer that nobody else in the world can. That means you have a specific purpose. When you are not who you were created to be, the world suffers as a result. I would submit to you that you can only be who you were created to be when you are allied and submitted to the one who created you.
Now, I understand there are many thoughts and theories about this. Some say we are here by chance, others believe we have extra-terrestrial origins...and you can find reasoning everywhere in between to explain our existence. However, I believe we were created by God, in His image, for a purpose. Furthermore, I believe that outside of a relationship with his son, Jesus, we will all live unfulfilled lives - never living out the purpose of our creation.
You may agree...you may disagree...but what I really want is for you to think...to search out answers for yourself. Not because I said so, or your parents taught you something, or you learned it in school...but because you want the truth and will settle for nothing less!
Where are you going? Where will you end up? Is there more to life than what we see, or do we die and cease to exist? These are important questions with eternal ramifications. You owe it to yourself to ask, research, and answer these questions - your life depends upon it!
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